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The Wipeout Library v1.12
with Clipper(tm) S'87 and 5.01 Gestations
Written by Mark Lussier
Copyright (c) 1991 by Mark Lussier
All Rights Reserved
European Distribution by:
INFO-WARE G. Kellinghuson
Grasstraße 18
D-2000, Hamburg 50
+49 40 89094161 - Voice Sales Line
+49 40 89094111 - Fascimile (FAX) Line
+49 40 8902985 - BBS (HST DS)
" It's a complex of functions to use as CLIPPING tool of screens and some
other screen manipulations. For somebody who wants to implement in own
program ingenious way of creating a screens, switching between them is
this library absolutely MUST."
- Review in ClipBBS Issue #11
(a European Newsletter)
This program is being distributed as Shareware
This program is NOT free
NOTE: All warranty specifications apply to U.S. versions of
The Wipeout Library.
Clipper is a registered trademark of Nantucket Corporation
This software program and documentation ("The Wipeout Library")
is being offered for evaluation purposes "AS IS" and without
warranties as to performance and merchant-ability. By using The
Wipeout Library, you are expressly releasing Mark Lussier from any
liability resulting from the use of this software and documentation.
The user must assume the entire risk of using The Wipeout Library.
Because of the diversity of conditions, hardware and operating
environments under which The Wipeout Library may be used, no warranty
of fitness for a particular purpose is offered. The user is advised to
test and supervise The Wipeout Library thoroughly before relying on it.
1) The Wipeout Library is being distributed as Shareware. This
program is not free. You are granted a limited license to
evaluate The Wipeout Library for a period not to exceed 30 days.
After 30 days, you must either pay for and register your copy of
The Wipeout Library, or immediately discontinue its use and
remove it from your computer.
2) You may keep as many backup copies of The Wipeout Library as
you wish, but you may not run The Wipeout Library simultaneously
on more than one computer. Additionally, you are granted the
right to share The Wipeout Library with others, as long as you
distribute the The Wipeout Library archive exactly as you
received it, with all associated files included.
3) Under no circumstances may you charge a fee or recieve any
other form of consideration for distributing the The Wipeout
Library files without the express written consent from the
copyright holder, Mark Lussier. However, a small ammount not
to exceed $5 (USD) may be charged by Organizations to cover
the costs of Diskette's, Packaging and Shipping.
Once your registration of The Wipeout Library has been completed,
you will recieve on diskette the latest version of The Wipeout
Library with the guilt screen removed as well as printed
documentation. You shall recieve all future updates and revisions
on disk at no charge for 90 days from the Date of Purchase (DOP).
Online upgrades will also be made available FREE of charge to ALL
registered users for the lifetime or the product. Norton Guide (NG)
documentation will also be made available at no extra charge.
Registered owners of The Wipeout Library are granted FREE
Technical Support for an unlimited time. However, all technical
support questions and inquires must be made within the below
listed guidelines. (Note: U.S.A. Versions Only)
o Technical Support is available Monday thru Friday between
the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm Pacific Standard Time (PST).
This is not my full time job and an answering machine will
in most cases take the message. ALL calls will be returned
with 24 hours.
o Voice telephone Technical Support is only available on the
following phone number : (415) 949-4478. If no one is available
an answering machine will be active. PLEASE NOTE that this is my
private Telephone number and I do sleep sometimes!
o Technical questions and inquires received through the Mail
will be responded to as quickly as it possibly can.
o As of this time there are NO nationl network conferences
that have been designated to The Wipeout Library. Please
refrain from posting public messages on conferences of other
topics. There is however a conference dedicated to The
Wipeout Library on our support system, Database BBS. Please refer
to the section of this document regarding "Contacting Authors".
o Electronic support is available through our own Bulletin
Board System (BBS) and on Compuserve mail and MCI Mail.
Please refer to the 'Contacting The Author' section for mail
box address's and number.
The Author, Mark Lussier, can be contacted by any of the following
By Telephone and Mail: Electronically:
Mark Lussier The Database BBS ( Sysop: Michael Walter )
2700 Del Medio Court #307 (908) 735-2180 Node #1 - Hayes sm2400
Mtn. View, CA 94040 (908) 735-2185 Node #2 - Hayes v9600
(415) 949-4478 (908) 735-2707 Node #3 - USR HST DS v.32
*** An ASP Approved BBS ***
In Europe:
Max Bressler
INFO-WARE G. Kellinghuson +49 40 89094161 (Voice Sales Line)
Gasstraße 18 +49 40 89094111 (Fascimile Line)
D-2000, Hamburg 50 +49 40 8902985 (BBS)
We can also be found lurking the Clipper and dBASE conferences on
the RIME, FIDO, Smartnet, Interlink and the DevNET networks as well of
course as NANFORUM on Compuserve.
The Wipeout Library Registration Form
Name : ___________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________
City : ________________________ State _______ ZipCode _____________
Country: ________________________
Phone #: Day _____________________ Evening _______________________
Fascimile : ________________________
Prefered Diskette Type: ( ) 5.25 DD ( ) 3.5 DD
Version name Copies Price Extended
The Wipeout Library for Clipper 5.01/S87. _____ $ 19.95 _______
The Wipeout Library COMPLETE Source Code. _____ $ 59.95 _______
CA. residents add 8% sales tax ............................ _______
TOTAL .................................................... $ _______
Please remit this form with payment in US dollars only to:
Mark Lussier * CHECKS PAYABLE TO *
2700 Del Medio Court, Ste. 307 'Mark Lussier'
Mountain View, CA 94040
( ) YES! Please additionaly enclose Demo Disks of your other
Clipper Addon Products. ( FREE of Charge! )
( ) NO! Please DO NOT send me any Demo Disks.
The Wipeout Libraries have been tested under both Clipper S'87
as well as Clipper 5.01. They have been found to perform without
problem under either version of the compiler. The Clipper 5.01
version is a fully Rewritten optimized product, and is not just
recompiled Summer'87 code. Both version are provided with the
upon registration of The Wipeout Library.
Compiler Specifics
The Wipeout Library requires that both CLIPPER.LIB and EXTEND.LIB
be linked in also. If using WIPES87R.LIB (S'87), the library must
be linked between the two Clipper libraries, for example.
In S'87:
Under Clipper 5.01, this link will suffice
The Wipeout Library has been tested and found to be fully overlayable
with such linkers as Blinker or Warplink.
If you are using the demo version (WIPExxxD.LIB) of The Wipeout
Library you have available all of the functions found in the
registered version. This library is not crippled except with
the simple exception that the WIPE_INIT() function must be called
prior to ANY other call to a Wipeout Function. This function will also
display a NON destructive message that will display for 10 seconds at
the time of execution. Registration will remove the need for the
WIPE_INIT() call.
To make the learning curve as small as possible, as well as to provide a
concise, detailed and organized function documentation, we have aloted
a printed page for EVERY function call. Once you see exactly what we
document, we are sure you will realize and appreciate the necessity.
The function documentation uses certain definitions and syntax that
require some explaining.
<...> Specifies a Parameter. The listed parameter will be prefaced with
a Hungarian Notation type identifier. These are C - Character
N - Numeric
L - Logical
A - Array
Example : Function( <nPOS>, <cTEXT>, <lTRUE> )
[...] Specifies that this paramter is Optional. In almost all of the
functions in The Wipeout Library, ALL options are optional. We
use a nice default setting that allows for this. Please refer to
the individual function documentation for details.
** IMPORTANT : Not all function support the various video modes other than
80x25 in Clipper 5.01. Please refer to the 'Special Note' of
each function description as to it's support of video modes.
Function : ALLIN()
Syntax : ALLIN( [<cColor>], [<nDelay>] )
Description : ALLIN() performs an all four corner to center style
screen wipe. A 'Sucking In' effect.
Parameters : <cColor> is the color to use for the wipe.
<nDelay> is the delay to adjust the wipe speed. Example
1 to 1000 is nDelay of 10.
Defaults : <cColor> is "W+/N"
<nDelay> is 20
Requires : Nothing
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : Supports ALL Clipper video modes.
Function : BLINDDN()
Syntax : BLINDDN( [<cColor>], [<nDelay>], [<lScreen>] )
Description : This wipe is a full horizontal top and bottom to center
screen wipe.
Parameters : <cColor> is the color to use for the wipe.
<nDelay> is the delay to adjust the wipe speed. Example
1 to 1000 is nDelay of 10.
<lScreen> is a Logical value ( .T. or .F. ) specifying
that there is a SAVESCREEN() in the stack to
use in a WipeOn effect.
Defaults : <cColor> is "W+/N"
<nDelay> is 10
<lScreen> is optional and set NIL or .F.
Requires : a call to HSAVE() if the <lScreen> parameter is going to
be used in the WipeOn effect.
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : Using the <lScreen> parameter WILL NOT release the stack
entry holding the data from the HSAVE() call. Use HREL()
to clear the area and make way for another call to
Supports ALL Clipper video modes.
Function : BLINDL()
Syntax : BLINDL( [<cColor>], [<nDelay>], [<lScreen>] )
Description : Performs a 'Venetian Blind' screen wipe that goes
in a Left to Right fashion.
Parameters : <cColor> is the color to use for the wipe.
<nDelay> is the delay to adjust the wipe speed. Example
1 to 1000 is nDelay of 10.
<lScreen> is a Logical value ( .T. or .F. ) specifying
that there is a SAVESCREEN() in the stack to
use in a WipeOn effect.
Defaults : <cColor> is "W+/N"
<nDelay> is 2
<lScreen> is optional and set NIL or .F.
Requires : a call to VSAVE() if the <lScreen> parameter is going to
be used in the WipeOn effect.
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : Using the <lScreen> parameter WILL NOT release the stack
entry holding the data from the VSAVE() call. Use VREL()
to clear the area and make way for another call to
Supports ALL Clipper video modes.
Function : BLINDR()
Syntax : BLINDR( [<cColor>], [<nDelay>], [<lScreen>] )
Description : Performs a 'Venetian Blind' screen wipe that goes
is a Right to Left fashion.
Parameters : <cColor> is the color to use for the wipe.
<nDelay> is the delay to adjust the wipe speed. Example
1 to 1000 is nDelay of 10.
<lScreen> is a Logical value ( .T. or .F. ) specifying
that there is a SAVESCREEN() in the stack to
use in a WipeOn effect.
Defaults : <cColor> is "W+/N"
<nDelay> is 2
<lScreen> is optional and set NIL or .F.
Requires : a call to VSAVE() if the <lScreen> parameter is going to
be used in the WipeOn effect.
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : Using the <lScreen> parameter WILL NOT release the stack
entry holding the data from the VSAVE() call. Use VREL()
to clear the area and make way for another call to
Supports ALL Clipper video modes.
Function : BLINDUP()
Syntax : BLINDUP( [<cColor>], [<nDelay>], [<lScreen>] )
Description : Performs a full horizontal Center to Top and to Bottom
screen wipe.
Parameters : <cColor> is the color to use for the wipe.
<nDelay> is the delay to adjust the wipe speed. Example
1 to 1000 is nDelay of 10.
<lScreen> is a Logical value ( .T. or .F. ) specifying
that there is a SAVESCREEN() in the stack to
use in a WipeOn effect.
Defaults : <cColor> is "W+/N"
<nDelay> is 10
<lScreen> is optional and set NIL or .F.
Requires : a call to VSAVE() if the <lScreen> parameter is going to
be used in the WipeOn effect.
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : Using the <lScreen> parameter WILL NOT release the stack
entry holding the data from the VSAVE() call. Use VREL()
to clear the area and make way for another call to VSAVE().
Supports ALL Clipper video modes.
Function : BOXIN()
Syntax : BOXIN( [<cColor>], [<lScreen>] )
Description : Performs a 'Boxed' spiral screen clear from Left
most Upper edge into center.
Parameters : <cColor> is the color to use for the wipe.
<lScreen> is a Logical value ( .T. or .F. ) specifying
that there is a SAVESCREEN() in the stack to
use in a WipeOn effect.
Defaults : <cColor> is "W+/N"
<lScreen> is optional and set NIL or .F.
Requires : a call to BSAVE() if the <lScreen> parameter is going to
be used in the WipeOn effect.
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : Using the <lScreen> parameter WILL NOT release the stack
entry holding the data from the BSAVE() call. Use BREL()
to clear the area and make way for another call to BSAVE()
** Does not support ALL Clipper video modes. **
Function : BOXOUT()
Syntax : BOXOUT( [<cColor>], [<lScreen>] )
Description : Performs a 'Boxed' spiral screen clear from center
out to Left most Upper edge.
Parameters : <cColor> is the color to use for the wipe.
<lScreen> is a Logical value ( .T. or .F. ) specifying
that there is a SAVESCREEN() in the stack to
use in a WipeOn effect.
Defaults : <cColor> is "W+/N"
<lScreen> is optional and set NIL or .F.
Requires : a call to BSAVE() if the <lScreen> parameter is going to
be used in the WipeOn effect.
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : Using the <lScreen> parameter WILL NOT release the stack
entry holding the data from the BSAVE() call. Use BREL()
to clear the area and make way for another call to BSAVE()
** Does not support ALL Clipper video modes. **
Function : BREL()
Syntax : BREL()
Description : Release stack contents containing the data from the last
call to BSAVE(). This MUST be performed before another call
to BSAVE() is made.
Parameters : Nothing
Requires : Nothing
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : This function is designed to work in conjunction with
the BOXIN() and BOXOUT() wipes.
Function : BSAVE()
Syntax : BSAVE()
Description : Capture a screen for use in a 'WipeOn' effect by
the wipes BOXIN() and BOXOUT().
Parameters : Nothing
Requires : Nothing
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : This function is designed to work in conjunction with
the BOXIN() and BOXOUT() wipes
** Does not support ALL Clipper video modes. **
Function : CENTER()
Syntax : CENTER( <nRow>, <cString>, [<cColor>] )
Description : Centers the passed text on specified line in the also
specified color.
Parameters : <nRow> Physical screen row on which the text is to
be displayed.
<cString> The actual text to be centered.
<cColor> The color in which to display the text.
Requires : Nothing
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : Supports ALL Clipper video modes.
Function : CLOSEIN()
Syntax : CLOSEIN( [<cColor>], [<nDelay>], [<lScreen>] )
Description : Performs a full vertical Left and Right to Center
screen clear.
Parameters : <cColor> is the color to use for the wipe.
<nDelay> is the delay to adjust the wipe speed. Example
1 to 1000 is nDelay of 10.
<lScreen> is a Logical value ( .T. or .F. ) specifying
that there is a SAVESCREEN() in the stack to
use in a WipeOn effect.
Defaults : <cColor> is "W+/N"
<nDelay> is 5
<lScreen> is optional and set NIL or .F.
Requires : a call to VSAVE() if the <lScreen> parameter is going to
be used in the WipeOn effect.
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : Using the <lScreen> parameter WILL NOT release the stack
entry holding the data from the VSAVE() call. Use VREL()
to clear the area and make way for another call to VSAVE()
Supports ALL Clipper video modes.
Function : COLUMN()
Syntax : COLUMN( [<cColor>], [<nDelay>], [<lScreen>] )
Description : Separates the screen into 8 separate vertical 'Columns'
and performs a Left to Right vertical alternating Up and
down screen wipe.
Parameters : <cColor> is the color to use for the wipe.
<nDelay> is the delay to adjust the wipe speed. Example
1 to 1000 is nDelay of 10.
<lScreen> is a Logical value ( .T. or .F. ) specifying
that there is a SAVESCREEN() in the stack to
use in a WipeOn effect.
Defaults : <cColor> is "W+/N"
<nDelay> is 5
<lScreen> is optional and set NIL or .F.
Requires : a call to VSAVE() if the <lScreen> parameter is going to
be used in the WipeOn effect.
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : Using the <lScreen> parameter WILL NOT release the stack
entry holding the data from the VSAVE() call. Use VREL()
to clear the area and make way for another call to VSAVE()
Supports ALL Clipper video modes.
Function : CORNEROUT()
Syntax : CORNEROUT( [<cColor>], [<nDelay>] )
Description : Performs a screen wipe from the center of the screen out
to all 4 corners.
Parameters : <cColor> is the color to use for the wipe.
<nDelay> is the delay to adjust the wipe speed. Example
1 to 1000 is nDelay of 10.
Defaults : <cColor> is "W+/N"
<nDelay> is 20
Requires : Nothing
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : Supports ALL Clipper video modes.
Function : CRAZYB()
Syntax : CRAZYB( [<cColor>], [<lScreen>] )
Description : A random 'Squared' clear of a screen. Quite
Impressive. Also the authors favorite.
Parameters : <cColor> is the color to use for the wipe.
<lScreen> is a Logical value ( .T. or .F. ) specifying
that there is a SAVESCREEN() in the stack to
use in a WipeOn effect.
Defaults : <cColor> is "W+/N"
<lScreen> is optional and set NIL or .F.
Requires : a call to CSAVE() if the <lScreen> parameter is going to
be used in the WipeOn effect.
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : Using the <lScreen> parameter WILL NOT release the stack
entry holding the data from the CSAVE() call. Use CREL()
to clear the area and make way for another call to CSAVE()
** Does not support ALL Clipper video modes. **
Function : CREL()
Syntax : CREL()
Description : Release stack contents containing the data from the last
call to CSAVE(). This MUST be performed before another call
to CSAVE() is made.
Parameters : Nothing
Requires : Nothing
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : This function is designed to work in conjunction with
the CRAZYB() wipe.
Function : CSAVE()
Syntax : CSAVE()
Description : Capture a screen for use in a 'WipeOn' effect by
the CRAZYB() wipe.
Parameters : Nothing
Requires : Nothing
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : This function is designed to work in conjunction with
the CRAZYB() wipe.
** Does not support ALL Clipper video modes. **
Function : DSTRIPE()
Syntax : DSTRIPE( [<cColor>], [<nDelay>], [<lScreen>] )
Description : Performs a Left to Right / Right to Left alternating
clear of the screen.
Parameters : <cColor> is the color to use for the wipe
<nDelay> is the delay to adjust the wipe speed. Example
1 to 1000 is nDelay of 10.
<lScreen> is a Logical value ( .T. or .F. ) specifying
that there is a SAVESCREEN() in the stack to
use in a WipeOn effect.
Defaults : <cColor> is "W+/N"
<nDelay> is 11
<lScreen> is optional and set NIL or .F.
Requires : a call to VSAVE() if the <lScreen> parameter is going to
be used in the WipeOn effect.
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : Using the <lScreen> parameter WILL NOT release the stack
entry holding the data from the VSAVE() call. Use VREL()
to clear the area and make way for another call to VSAVE()
Supports ALL Clipper video modes.
Function : EXPLODE()
Syntax : EXPLODE( <nTop>, <nLeft>, <nBottom>, <nRight>, ;
<cOutine>, [<nRow>], [<nCol>] ) -> <cScreen>
Description : Explode a box onto the screen from specified location.
Parameters : <nTop> Top most screen coordinate to 'Explode' to.
<nLeft> Left most screen coordinate to 'Explode' to.
<nBottom> Bottom most screen coordinate to 'Explode' to.
<nRight> Right most screen coordinate to 'Explode' to.
<nOutline> Box outline to use. ( Actual Char. String )
<nRow> Physical screen row from which to 'Explode'.
<nCol> Physical screen column from which to 'Explode'.
Requires : Nothing
Returns : A character string to be passsed to Implode()
Special Note : Supports ALL Clipper video modes.
Function : HREL()
Syntax : HREL()
Description : Release stack contents containing the data from the last
call to HSAVE(). This MUST be performed before another call
to HSAVE() is made.
Parameters : Nothing
Requires : Nothing
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : This function is designed to work in conjunction with
any function performing Horizontal wipes.
Function : HSAVE()
Syntax : HSAVE()
Description : Capture the screen for a 'wipe on' effect use by
another function. This save a a Row by Row Horizontal
Parameters : Nothing
Requires : Nothing
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : This function is designed to work in conjunction with
any function performing Horizontal wipes.
Supports ALL Clipper video modes.
Function : HSTRIPE()
Syntax : HSTRIPE( [<cColor>], [<lScreen>] )
Description : Performs a Horizontal bar screen clear.
Parameters : <cColor> is the color to use for the wipe.
<lScreen> is a Logical value ( .T. or .F. ) specifying
that there is a SAVESCREEN() in the stack to
use in a WipeOn effect.
Defaults : <cColor> is "W+/N"
<lScreen> is optional and set NIL or .F.
Requires : a call to HSAVE() if the <lScreen> parameter is going to
be used in the WipeOn effect.
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : Using the <lScreen> parameter WILL NOT release the stack
entry holding the data from the HSAVE() call. Use HREL()
to clear the area and make way for another call to HSAVE()
Supports ALL Clipper video modes.
Function : IMPLODE()
Syntax : IMPLODE( <nTop>, <nLeft>, <nBottom>, <nRight>, ;
<cOutine>, [<nRow>], [<nCol>], [<cScreen>] )
Description : Implode a box that was EXPLODED()'ed
Parameters : <nTop> Top most screen coordinate to 'Implode' from.
<nLeft> Left most screen coordinate to 'Implode' from.
<nBottom> Bottom most screen coordinate to 'Implode' from.
<nRight> Right most screen coordinate to 'Implode' from.
<nOutline> Box outline to use. ( Actual Char. String )
<nRow> Physical screen row to which to 'Implode' to.
<nCol> Physical screen column to which to 'Implode' to.
<cScreen> This is the screen data returned by a call to the
EXPLODE() function.
Requires : A previous call to the EXPLODE() function.
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : Requires that you pass as the 7th parameter the character
string returned by EXPLODE().
Supports ALL Clipper video modes.
Function : LNR()
Syntax : LNR( [<cColor>], [<nDelay>], [<lScreen>] )
Description : Performs a Left to Right and Right to Left Split
screen clear.
Parameters : <cColor> is the color to use for the wipe.
<nDelay> is the delay to adjust the wipe speed. Example
1 to 1000 is nDelay of 10.
<lScreen> is a Logical value ( .T. or .F. ) specifying
that there is a SAVESCREEN() in the stack to
use in a WipeOn effect.
Defaults : <cColor> is "W+/N"
<nDelay> is 3
<lScreen> is optional and set NIL or .F.
Requires : a call to HSAVE() if the <lScreen> parameter is going to
be used in the WipeOn effect.
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : Using the <lScreen> parameter WILL NOT release the stack
entry holding the data from the HSAVE() call. Use HREL()
to clear the area and make way for another call to HSAVE()
Supports ALL Clipper video modes.
Function : OPENUP()
Syntax : OPENUP( [<cColor>], [<nDelay>], [<lScreen>] )
Description : Performs a FULL screen Center to Left and Right
vertical screen clear.
Parameters : <cColor> is the color to use for the wipe.
<nDelay> is the delay to adjust the wipe speed. Example
1 to 1000 is nDelay of 10.
<lScreen> is a Logical value ( .T. or .F. ) specifying
that there is a SAVESCREEN() in the stack to
use in a WipeOn effect.
Defaults : <cColor> is "W+/N"
<nDelay> is 5
<lScreen> is optional and set NIL or .F.
Requires : a call to VSAVE() if the <lScreen> parameter is going to
be used in the WipeOn effect.
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : Using the <lScreen> parameter WILL NOT release the stack
entry holding the data from the VSAVE() call. Use VREL()
to clear the area and make way for another call to VSAVE()
Supports ALL Clipper video modes.
Function : PUSH_SCR()
Syntax : PUSH_SCR( <nTop>, <nLeft>, <nBottom>, <nRight> )
Description : Push a SCREENSAVE() of the passed screen coordinated
onto a stack for later retrieval.
Parameters : <nTop> Top most Row to use in the SCREENSAVE().
<nLeft> Left most Column to use in the SCREENSAVE().
<nBottom> Bottom most Row to use in the SCREENSAVE().
<nRight> Right most Column to use in the SCREENSAVE().
Requires : Nothing
Returns : Numeric Variable <nPointer> that contains a pointer to
the Screen Stack location.
Special Note : Supports ALL Clipper video modes.
Function : POP_SCR()
Syntax : POP_SCR( <nPointer> )
Description : Retrieves the specified screen (<nPointer>) from the
screen stack.
Parameters : <nPointer> is the numeric pointer returned by a previous
call to PUSH_SCR()
Requires : a Previous call to PUSH_SCR()
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : Supports ALL Clipper video modes.
Function : PREL()
Syntax : PREL()
Description : Release stack contents containing the data from the last
call to PSAVE(). This MUST be performed before another call
to PSAVE() is made.
Parameters : Nothing
Requires : Nothing
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : This function is designed to work in conjunction with
the COLUMN() and THRESHER() wipes.
Function : PSAVE()
Syntax : PSAVE()
Description : Capture the screen for a 'wipe on' effect use by
the wipes COLUMN() and THRESHER().
Parameters : Nothing
Requires : Nothing
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : This function is designed to work in conjunction with
the COLUMN() and THRESHER() wipes.
Supports ALL Clipper video modes when used with COLUMN().
Function : ROUNDER()
Syntax : ROUNDER( <nNumber>, <nPlaces> )
Description : Round <nNumber> Up/Down with no magic numbers as
happens with Clipper's ROUND().
Parameters : <nNumber> is the numeric to Round
<nPlaces> is the number of decimal places
Defaults : <nPlaces> to 0 decimals
Requires : Nothing
Returns : a numeric value holding the Rounded number.
Special Note : This was written to avoid those 'Magic' numbers that Clipper
ROUND() command can't handle. Is used in this Lib!
Function : SHADOW()
Syntax : SHADOW( <nTop>, <nLeft>, <nBottom>, <nRight> )
Description : Place a non-destructive transparent shadow around
a box on the screen.
Parameters : <nTop> Box's Top most Row Coordinate.
<nLeft> Box's Left most Column Coordinate.
<nBottom> Box's Bottom most Row Coordinate.
<nRight> Box's Right most Column Coordinate.
Requires : Nothing
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : The parameters are the EXACT same one as passed to a @..BOX
or similar command/function. It will perform all calculations
and place a Right->Down shadow on the box at the specified
screen coordinates.
Supports ALL Clipper video modes.
Function : SDREL()
Syntax : SDREL()
Description : Release stack contents containing the data from the last
call to SDSAVE(). This MUST be performed before another call
to SDSAVE() is made.
Parameters : Nothing
Requires : Nothing
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : This function is designed to work in conjunction with
the LNR() wipe.
Function : SDSAVE()
Syntax : SDSAVE()
Description : Capture the screen for a 'wipe on' effect use by
the LNR() wipe.
Parameters : Nothing
Requires : Nothing
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : This function is designed to work in conjunction with
the LNR() wipe.
Supports ALL Clipper video modes.
Function : STARTWATCH()
Description : Start a Stopwatch timer and add it to the timer stack
Parameters : Nothing
Requires : Nothing
Returns : a numeric variable containing a pointer to the Stopwatch
Stack location.
Special Note : Nothing
Function : STOPWATCH()
Syntax : StopWatch( <nPointer> ) -> cElapsed
Description : Retrieve and halt specified <nPointer> Stopwatch from
the Stopwatch Stack and compute Elapsed Time.
Parameters : <nPointer> the numeric pointer returned by a previous call
Requires : Nothing
Returns : a character string containing the Elapsed Time in the format
of '00:00:00'.
Special Note : This function will not work correctly is no previous call to
STARTWATCH() is made.
Function : SUREL()
Syntax : SUREL()
Description : Release stack contents containing the data from the last
call to SUSAVE(). This MUST be performed before another call
to SUSAVE() is made.
Parameters : Nothing
Requires : Nothing
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : This function is designed to work in conjunction with
the UPDN() wipe.
Function : SUSAVE()
Syntax : SUSAVE()
Description : Capture the screen for a 'wipe on' effect use by
the UPDN() wipe.
Parameters : Nothing
Requires : Nothing
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : This function is designed to work in conjunction with
the UPDN() wipe.
Supports ALL Clipper video modes.
Function : THRESHER()
Syntax : THRESHER( [<cColor>], [<nDelay>], [<lScreen>] )
Description : Performs a Column Up and Down simultaneous screen
Parameters : <cColor> is the color to use for the wipe.
<nDelay> is the delay to adjust the wipe speed. Example
1 to 1000 is nDelay of 10.
<lScreen> is a Logical value ( .T. or .F. ) specifying
that there is a SAVESCREEN() in the stack to
use in a WipeOn effect.
Defaults : <cColor> is "W+/N"
<nDelay> is 20
<lScreen> is optional and set NIL or .F.
Requires : a call to PSAVE() if the <lScreen> parameter is going to
be used in the WipeOn effect.
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : Using the <lScreen> parameter WILL NOT release the stack
entry holding the data from the PSAVE() call. Use PREL()
to clear the area and make way for another call to PSAVE()
** Does not support ALL Clipper video modes. **
Function : THRESHLR()
Syntax : THRESHLR( [<cColor>], [<nDelay>] )
Description : Performs a Column Left to Right, Right to Left
horizontal screen clear.
Parameters : <cColor> is the color to use for the wipe.
<nDelay> is the delay to adjust the wipe speed. Example
1 to 1000 is nDelay of 10.
Defaults : <cColor> is "W+/N"
<nDelay> is 3
Requires : Nothing
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : ** Does not support ALL Clipper video modes. **
Function : THROWALL()
Syntax : THROWALL( [<cColor>] )
Description : Performs a Left to Right, Right to Left, THROWUP()
and THROWDOWN() alternating screen clear.
Parameters : <cColor> is the color to use for the wipe
Defaults : <cColor> is "W+/N"
Requires : Nothing
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : Supports ALL Clipper video modes.
Function : THROWDN()
Syntax : THROWDN( [<cColor>] )
Description : Performs a Left to Right screen wipe spitting the
screen text downwards.
Parameters : <cColor> is the color to use for the wipe
Defaults : <cColor> is "W+/N"
Requires : Nothing
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : Supports ALL Clipper video modes.
Function : THROWUP()
Syntax : THROWUP( [<cColor>] )
Description : Performs a Left to Right screen wipe spitting the
screen text upwards.
Parameters : <cColor> is the color to use for the wipe.
Defaults : <cColor> is "W+/N"
Requires : Nothing
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : Supports ALL Clipper video modes.
Function : UPDN()
Syntax : UPDN( [<cColor>], [<nDelay>], [<lScreen>] )
Description : Performs a Screen top to bottom (Col 0-39) and Bottom
to Top (Col 40-79) split screen wipe
Parameters : <cColor> is the color to use for the wipe.
<nDelay> is the delay to adjust the wipe speed. Example
1 to 1000 is nDelay of 10.
<lScreen> is a Logical value ( .T. or .F. ) specifying
that there is a SAVESCREEN() in the stack to
use in a WipeOn effect.
Defaults : <cColor> is "W+/N"
<nDelay> is 5
<lScreen> is optional and set NIL or .F.
Requires : a call to SUSAVE() if the <lScreen> parameter is going to
be used in the WipeOn effect.
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : Using the <lScreen> parameter WILL NOT release the stack
entry holding the data from the SUSAVE() call. Use SUREL()
to clear the area and make way for another call to SUSAVE().
Supports ALL Clipper video modes.
Function : VREL()
Syntax : VREL()
Description : Release stack contents containing the data from the last
call to VSAVE(). This MUST be performed before another call
to VSAVE() is made.
Parameters : Nothing
Requires : Nothing
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : This function is designed to work in conjunction with
any function performing a vertical wipe.
Function : VSAVE()
Syntax : VSAVE()
Description : Capture the screen for a 'wipe on' effect use by
another function.
Parameters : Nothing
Requires : Nothing
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : This function is designed to work in conjunction with
any function performing a vertical wipe.
Supports ALL Clipper video modes.
Function : VSTRIPE()
Syntax : VSTRIPE( [<cColor>], [<nDelay>], [<lScreen>] )
Description : Performs a Vertical Left to Rigt screen clear.
Parameters : <cColor> is the color to use for the wipe.
<nDelay> is the delay to adjust the wipe speed. Example
1 to 1000 is nDelay of 10.
<lScreen> is a Logical value ( .T. or .F. ) specifying
that there is a SAVESCREEN() in the stack to
use in a WipeOn effect.
Defaults : <cColor> is "W+/N"
<nDelay> is 10
<lScreen> is optional and set NIL or .F.
Requires : a call to VSAVE() if the <lScreen> parameter is going to
be used in the WipeOn effect.
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : Using the <lScreen> parameter WILL NOT release the stack
entry holding the data from the VSAVE() call. Use VREL()
to clear the area and make way for another call to VSAVE()
Supports ALL Clipper video modes.
Function : WHISTLE()
Syntax : WHISTLE( <cWhistle> )
Description : Performs various Wipeout Tones
Parameters : <cWhistle>
Requires : Nothing
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : Valid Tone Name : ATTN, DONE, ERROR, CHARGE
Function : WIPEL()
Syntax : WIPEL( [<cColor>], [<nDelay>], [<lScreen>] )
Description : Standard full screen Left to Right screen clear.
Parameters : <cColor> is the color to use for the wipe.
<nDelay> is the delay to adjust the wipe speed. Example
1 to 1000 is nDelay of 10.
<lScreen> is a Logical value ( .T. or .F. ) specifying
that there is a SAVESCREEN() in the stack to
use in a WipeOn effect.
Defaults : <cColor> is "W+/N"
<nDelay> is 4
<lScreen> is optional and set NIL or .F.
Requires : a call to VSAVE() if the <lScreen> parameter is going to
be used in the WipeOn effect.
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : Using the <lScreen> parameter WILL NOT release the stack
entry holding the data from the VSAVE() call. Use VREL()
to clear the area and make way for another call to VSAVE()
Supports ALL Clipper video modes.
Function : WIPER()
Syntax : WIPER( [<cColor>], [<nDelay>], [<lScreen>] )
Description : Performs full screen Right to Left screen clear.
Parameters : <cColor> is the color to use for the wipe.
<nDelay> is the delay to adjust the wipe speed. Example
1 to 1000 is nDelay of 10.
<lScreen> is a Logical value ( .T. or .F. ) specifying
that there is a SAVESCREEN() in the stack to
use in a WipeOn effect.
Defaults : <cColor> is "W+/N"
<nDelay> is 4
<lScreen> is optional and set NIL or .F.
Requires : a call to VSAVE() if the <lScreen> parameter is going to
be used in the WipeOn effect.
Returns : Nothing
Special Note : Using the <lScreen> parameter WILL NOT release the stack
entry holding the data from the VSAVE() call. Use VREL()
to clear the area and make way for another call to VSAVE()
Supports ALL Clipper video modes.
Credit Where Credit Is Do
The Wipeout Library would not have been possible nor conceived without the
indespensable help and input of some very special people. They are very much
a part of this product and I feel they need the recognition they deserve.
Greg Lief - If I was never curious about your venetian blinds, this
would have never been conceived. Also thanks go to you,
Joe and Craig for a DAMM good book.
Tim Cook - The man who helped me move to 5.01. Without his insight, ideas
drive and determination you would never be reading this.
Allowing me to share your goals as well as bounce ideas off of
you at ALL hours of the night has been something I will never
forget. Weve been through the tough now it's on to the gold.
Max Bressler - For actually giving me the idea to share this project. I
thank you for the support and understanding you have given
over the past 6 months. Without you Europe would be an
untouched market by my products. I look forward to an long
and prosperous relationship.
Mike Walter - Mike where would we be without Database. I owe you alot for
providing us a place to centralize, organize, distribute
and occasionally hide out. Your support was totally above
and beyond that of what was necessary and I am eternaly
in your debt. One day I'll send that check.
John Ginnane - Your banter and discussion has helped ease the days. Also
for the wonderful support and Norton Guide Databases you
are graciously compiling for this project.
** Special Note **
Indirectly I would be lost without my most prized library, Nanforum Toolkit.
To the contributors of this incredable project I thank you from the depth of
my heart. Your unique code, implementations and ideas have spawned many
sleepless nights and turned on the "lightbulb" to many times to count.
** And of Course **
To Nantucket - For brigning me and the world Clipper 5.01. I look forward
to what the future has in store.
*** To the believers in Septmber 15th. It'll happen one day! ***